Meet Corey Robinson
“There are two types of politicians. Those that want to be something and those that want to do something. I am running because I want to do something.” ~ Ralph Remington
I am a lifelong resident of Lowell, and I chose to make my home in Centralville. I attended our public schools, forged lifelong friendships at the Boys & Girls Club, and graduated from Lowell Middlesex Academy Charter School.
Growing up bi-racial with both African-American and Irish heritage in this great orchestra of cultures, I learned early on that people from different backgrounds faced issues based on a multitude of factors. Many of my peers struggled to achieve success because of the lack of opportunities available to them in our community.
My campaign for City Council really started with an opportunity from the City when I was 14 - I got a job in Lowell’s Summer Youth Employment Program. That city job turned into a calling: I realized that I loved serving my community by working to improve its neighborhoods. I haven’t stopped since. I worked for the Department of Public Works for 15 years, and my colleagues chose me as our Union President.
You have spoken, I have listened!
From potholes to street light repairs to our school facilities, fire equipment, and sewer infrastructure. In the first term of advocating for our neighborhood, we have been able to address some headaches that have been ignored.
· We have successfully committed resources for Duck Island improvements.
· We have successfully corrected drainage and resurfaced 1st Street.
· We were able to advocate for over $24M be invested into our city owned school facilities including our Robinson and McAuliffe.
· We have begun the process of separating storm water from sewerage here in Centralville which will also address our street flooding events.
· We were able to advocate for fair disbursement’s of ARPA funding for all city neighborhoods.
· We have begun design work on Centralville first splash pad which will be part of a complete renovation of St. Louis park.
· We were able to find a solution that ended the practice of closing fire stations city wide.
· We have been able to support and empower community partners such as DIY Lowell, Lowell Litter Krewe, and CNAG on an array of Centralville specific quality of life projects.
These accomplishments demonstrate the power of working together. Let’s set our sights on a future that will provide growth, opportunity, and wellbeing for every resident. The
Every vote counts. I am humbly asking for your trust, your partnership, and your support to continue serving with you while we continue to raise the bar.
hands-on Experience
Served 15 years in Lowell’s Department of Public Works.
Voted into the role of union president, representing a wide range of city workers and advocating for policies that supported them all.
Identified the city’s discarded syringe issue and worked with the administration to create a policy to protect both residents and employees of Lowell.
Worked with school and city constituents to implement a project to assist in the maintenance of 14 city-owned schools.
Creatively worked with the city’s administration to roll back on unfunded overtime liability with the focus on providing efficient neighborhood services at Cawley Stadium, downtown and throughout Lowell’s business corridors.